Ideal standard touches down in Dubai on its Together World Tour

The Together World Tour, Ideal Standard’s innovative digital series of cinematic events for the international architecture and design community, is making its fifth stop in Dubai. On the 22nd November, the penultimate event in the series, A Moment of Innovation, will explore the historic districts of Dubai, as well as the young spirit of this modern city, uncovering links in design between the past, the present and the future.

The film will feature a series of exclusive interviews with some of the greatest minds in architecture and design, who will offer their unique perspectives around the evolution of modern design and the influence heritage can have on it. The piece will also visit the Dubai UAE 2020 Expo, exploring the spirit of the event and some of the innovation on show. Combining the technology of tomorrow with viewpoints from some of the best minds in the sector, the Dubai-leg of the Together World Tour will offer audiences cutting-edge insight into the next period of modern living.

Following the success of the first four events, the fifth show in Ideal Standard’s global journey will showcase some of the company’s most innovative products like the Intellimix smart tap, alongside products from its contemporary Atelier Collections – delving into the history and inspiration behind them.

Jan-Peter Tewes, joint CEO of Ideal Standard, commented: “Dubai is a place renowned for its rapid urban development and iconic modern architecture. However, it has an incredibly interesting history which is still extremely visible. In this film, we will look to explore the duality of old and new design concepts.

“At Ideal Standard, we often look to our past to inspire product development. As a company, we have more than 100 years of experience working with master designers. With our latest collections, we’re re-inventing some of our most iconic designs using cutting-edge technology and materials, offering our customers unique, trend-setting products.


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Media contact

Roshini Bains,
Editor, Showhome Magazine

Tel: +44 (0) 1622 823 922

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