Open House – Darren Paxford

Our exclusive Open House interview with Darren Paxford, National Sales Manager, VitrA 


Bathrooms or kitchens, which is your favourite? 

I love kitchens as they are a social hub of the house but having been in the bathroom industry all my life, I’d have to say bathrooms. 

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be? 

To be able to be more timely in terms of showing customers new products and technologies, ahead of new trends. 

What three traits define you? 

Honesty, loyalty and being honourable – these are the three traits I live by. 

What’s the coolest trend you see today? 

I’m an avid believer and user of shower toilets – the technology that can be incorporated into a toilet these days is amazing, and I can’t speak highly enough of them. 

How do you define success? 

Success can be defined by a number of things – for me it’s not just turnover and market share, but it’s customer satisfaction. Seeing the smile on customers faces when they’ve had their new bathroom fitted carries a lot of value for me. 


Read the rest of the article in our latest edition

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