The Innovator – Jonathan Parsons

Jonathan Parsons, Marmox Business Development Director, reveals the innovative practices that are reshaping the UK’s building materials sector 

In your view, what are the most critical innovations currently transforming the building materials industry in the UK?

We believe some of the most impactful innovations in the industry include the growing use of hemp-based products, such as hempcrete blocks as an alternative to traditional masonry, and hemp plasters, which hold significant potential. Hemp is an amazingly fast-growing plant that requires a lot less energy to grow, it provides fibers for reinforcement, it has great thermal properties, it’s incredibly strong, nontoxic and fireproof. It’s also very sustainable allowing 3 harvests per year. Additionally, another innovation that will have an affect is advancements in 3D printing for both individual components and entire structures. 3D printing offers a much faster construction process, being able print over a 24-hour period, 7 days a week will fast track the production process like no other format of construction.

What emerging trends do you believe will have the most significant impact on the future of construction and building materials?

At Marmox, we ensure that every new construction product we design addresses the challenges of sustainability, efficiency, and resilience. A crucial aspect of successfully introducing new products is incorporating recycled materials wherever possible. By using recycled plastics, glass, and aggregates in our construction materials, we not only reduce waste and minimize environmental impact but also achieve cost-effectiveness. Repurposing these materials creates a win-win scenario for the environment, our business, and our customers.

How important is sustainability in today’s building industry, and what innovative approaches are being taken to address environmental concerns?

Whether you’re a materials manufacturer, builder, or distributor, it’s essential to prioritise sustainability in every decision. If you can’t demonstrate that your materials and services not only meet today’s standards but also align with future government regulations, you’ll likely be left behind. One approach gaining traction is the use of Material Passports. These documents track the composition and lifecycle of materials, encouraging their reuse and recycling, and helping ensure long-term sustainability.

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