Who’s Who – Vicaima

Vicaima has led the UK timber door market since 1950, blending style with craftsmanship, and providing crucial expertise in the post-Grenfell era 

Next year marks what will be a quarter of a century since the start of the current Millenium.  In that time, we have seen many changes within the construction sector and indeed in the realm of timber and joinery products.  Most notable perhaps is the recognition that fire performance and sustainability are not optional extras, and that cost effectiveness should never equate to loss of quality. 

Vicaima have been manufacturing high performance and quality interior timber doors since the late 1950’s and the company have been an established part of the UK market since 1988. From the outset, the attention to fashionable designs with traditional door construction, set Vicaima door products apart from the frequently third-world imported and more budget-made products that were prevalent at the time.  This Vicaima differentiation has become even more apparent in recent years, as the post-Grenfell era has seen a burgeoning new business segment emerge, that of the fire door assessment and inspection specialists.  Roaming the country as they do, at the behest of building owners, Vicaima are frequently contacted for advice, particularly in respect to fire certification; on doors fitted more than 20 years previously.    

Of course, the longevity of product and widespread specification of Vicaima performance doors and doorsets are reasons why so many make contact, but another is simply that long before the word ‘traceability’ was mentioned in the Hackett report, Vicaima had been marking the top edge of all their doors with data that makes them easy to identify, even to the un-trained eye. Another reason to ensure that keeping these traceable markings visible i.e. not obscured by paint, will provide invaluable assistance throughout a Vicaima products lifecycle.  

It may seem strange for a company like Vicaima, who are synonymous with innovative and design leading new products, to reflect on the past. However, in doing so we acknowledge previous achievements and strive to make continuous improvements, enabling the company to be challenging and invigorating for future generations of customers. This focus on tomorrow, brought Vicaima to a recognition several years ago, that sustainability must be a cultural shift and fundamental business dynamic, for it to bring real change to the built environment. For some in our industry, sustainability equates to chain of custody and timber sourcing.  Although, having held FSC certification for almost two decades, Vicaima consider this just the tip of the iceberg so to speak.    Sustainability for Vicaima encompasses all of the elements of Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG). Our strategy is therefore based on four fundamental dimensions of focus – People and Community, Climate Action, Sustainable and Innovative Products and Responsible Business. Under these dimensions, we have defined key objectives for action, which aims to reduce our ecological footprint, promote more sustainable construction and contribute to the well-being and safety of future generations, in a transparent and entrepreneurial way.  

So, whether you are considering at a completely new project to specify timber doors or evaluating the carbon impact of an existing building, where Vicaima products were fitted, talk to Vicaima.  A company that both values its past and continually looks forward to delivering safe and sustainable door solutions, so that together we build the future. 

telephone 01793 532333  



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