Futurebuild 2025 unveils new Placemaking section

Futurebuild will introduce a major rebrand of Sustainable Infrastructure, now known as Placemaking. The shift highlights Futurebuild’s commitment to extend the focus from essential infrastructure to the wider benefits of places for people and nature Beyond the buildings themselves, it is how the wider context of place is treated that can have the most significant impact for communities.

By broadening the scope of its content, Futurebuild is emphasising the critical role that design, technical expertise and effective delivery play in shaping sustainable, people and nature-centric environments. At the heart of the section is the Placemaking Impact Stage that will explore three key areas: Water Management, Biodiversity in Urban Placemaking, and Real Placemaking and Sustainable Transport.

The stage will serve as a powerful platform to explore the intersection of these themes, bringing together leading organisations such as the Green Roof Organisation (GRO), Trees and Design Action Group (TDAG), Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM), the Landscape Institute and the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineers among others.


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