Children supported by a new inclusive washroom at Royal Preston Hospital

Armitage Shanks, the renowned healthcare washroom provider has worked in partnership with Royal Preston Hospital to create an inclusive and welcoming new children’s washroom for the paediatrics ward. The children’s area in Royal Preston provides a range of care and treatment for young people as well as support for their families. The new washroom has been designed to include a sunny beach theme to put the children being cared for, as well as those around them, at ease.

Armitage Shanks, a brand with 200 years of history in the UK, was chosen to supply the solutions due to its a long and successful track record of working with the Department of Health to develop products for specialist washroom areas. This particular project involved the refurbishment of the children’s washroom, and included the installation of grab rails, back supports and a hoist to help accommodate for young patients with physical limitations. Back-to-wall, supportive toilets were also chosen for the ward which include an anti-microbial glaze to reduce the risk of infection.

The installation of the supportive healthcare solutions has created a space which minimises the chances of patients slipping and falling. The Armitage Shanks products also ensure the washroom is wheelchair accessible and safe to use for even the most vulnerable patients. The newly refurbished washroom means disabled young patients at Royal Preston can have more independence and increased wellbeing while being cared for.

The renovation project took place inside a working hospital which meant that keeping disruption to a minimum was a priority. All of the ultra-reliable products specified in Royal Preston Hospital are purposely designed to be easy to install but are also simple to maintain ensuring minimal disruption to the ward.

Paul Collier, Senior Estates Manager of Royal Preston Hospital said: “Armitage Shanks is synonymous with innovation and quality, making it our first-choice supplier for our paediatric washroom refurbishment. We know the brand well, due to its infection control expertise, inclusive-focused designs and scientific approach so wanted to get them involved in the project from the onset.

“We have always been impressed with the high-quality products and contemporary designs of the brand’s healthcare products, and this project was no exception. The products were fitted quickly and with minimal disruption, which was very important to us. With new designs coming through at the moment we are excited to see what else it will have to offer us in the near future.”

Tony Rheinberg, Senior Sector Marketing Manager of Ideal Standard said: “We have worked on many hospital projects with the NHS and we were delighted to secure the contract with the Royal Preston Hospital’s Paediatric Ward, as we understand the importance of protecting vulnerable patients, especially children and disabled people.

“Our ultra-reliable, research-driven bathroom solutions were chosen to improve the safety of young patients and also actively minimise the spread of harmful bacteria across their premises.  We very much look forward to working with the Royal Preston Hospital going forward and hope the children and young people of the ward enjoy using their new washroom”.

For more information about Armitage Shanks inclusive range of healthcare washroom products, visit Shanks inclusive Armitage Shanks inclusive 2


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