Most valued skills in property

Thom Dennis

Thom Dennis, CEO of culture and leadership specialists, Serenity in Leadership, has offered insight into the skills that are most demanded in the property industry. The skills which are “specifically aligned to target new challenges and developments arising within our society, such as technological advancements and the introduction of AI, as well as remote working and the importance of good work culture.

According to Thom Dennis, the top 9 skills are as follows:

  1. Critical Thinking – This innate but also learned ability helps us evaluate, be logical, make good decisions, see issues before they arise, present evidence well, not rely on other’s opinions, question the status quo, be more independent, improve flexibility and express our ideas clearly. What’s not to like?
  2. Collaboration – Being able to collaborate well in the workplace goes hand in hand with overcoming challenges, welcoming different perspectives and ideas, and producing innovative and creative solutions; all of which benefit organisations greatly. With workplace dynamics changing at pace following the growth of remote and hybrid working, collaboration and good communication are increasingly important to stay competitive and for healthy work culture.
  3. Problem-solving – Being able to solve problems critically, logically and creatively can increase productivity, innovation, safety and efficiency at work with numerous long-term benefits. Problem-solving skills are also extremely useful in conflict resolution. With 20% of employers reporting that conflicts at work are a common occurrence, having this skill is beneficial to any team.
  4. Active Listening– Trust and communication are enhanced through active listening when individuals take the time to focus and hear what others are really saying. Giving someone your full presence is the most respectful gift possible. The time, opportunity and attention leads to fewer misunderstandings and employees experiencing less conflict.
  5. Self-Awareness – This will be the most important skill for property leaders. Understanding your (and the organisation’s) strengths and weaknesses, needs, purpose and aspirations means breaking through glass ceilings and limitations, successfully adapting your behaviour and mindset to overcome problems and building resilience. Self-awareness also leads to improved relationships with others and better decision-making and communication.
  6. AI Awareness – AI is infiltrating every aspect of every profession. It’s essential to be in touch with changes, initiatives and new opportunities which are coming out literally every week. AI will not replace people; people using AI will replace people who aren’t. Look for ways to adopt this technology because it is going to change everything in the next year and onwards.
  7. Integrity– Integrity is the foundation of trust, which supports strong relationships developing in the workplace along with credibility and reliability. Individuals with integrity also consistently show professionalism, can align with business and personal purpose, demonstrate solid ethical conduct, and equally show and earn respect.
  8. Cultural intelligence (CQ) – CQ comprises a host of treasured skills such as communication, collaboration, and relationship building across cultures which gives organisations a competitive edge in increasingly global business opportunities and international partnerships. Cultural intelligence encourages individuals to embrace other perspectives and tap into a broader range of insights, ideas, and solutions which in turn promotes creativity and diversity. Diverse teams are thought to make better decisions nearly 90% of the time.
  9. Emotional intelligence (EQ) – EQ demonstrates traits such as purpose and empathy as well as compassion and care, for others but also importantly for the self. If employees have these traits, their communication is likely to be good, as those individuals can empathise and listen to others, resolve conflicts and build relationships, work well with others, understand teamwork dynamics, welcome diverse perspectives, and promote cooperation which all facilitate a healthy and collaborative work culture. With nearly one million people suffering from work-related stress, depression, or anxiety having workplaces that are supportive and colleagues who are compassionate and able to read other’s emotions is of huge benefit. Embracing feminine qualities that enhance emotional expression such as empathy, vulnerability and listening, while rejecting unhealthy emotional suppression and dysfunctional emotions is key.

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