Select Committee calls for planning guidance to boost retirement communities

All generations stand to benefit from select committee’s recommendations to boost Retirement Communities.

In response to today’s report from the House of Lords Select Committee on Inter-Generational Fairness Michael Voges, Executive Director of ARCO said:

“The select committee has done an outstanding job in identifying many of the key issues underlying inter-generational fairness in the UK.

“It is clear that from a housing perspective it is not a zero-sum game. The best way to free up larger houses for younger generations is to provide specialist housing with care for older people”

“Retirement Communities have care services onsite and should, as the report acknowledges, be treated in a similar way to other care providers – this will help to avoid confusion in the planning system and will secure additional provision in areas which might otherwise have missed out.”

“The planning guidance they are calling for is long overdue – MHCLG should grasp this opportunity to boost much needed Retirement Community housing and improve the lives of older people and younger people alike.”

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