Solving the problem of the misty mirror!

You don’t need to be Agatha Christie or Sherlock Holmes to solve the problem of steamed up mirrors in the bathroom. The solution is elementary! Install demista™ heated mirror pads and the steam vanishes almost immediately.


These pads are easy to fit behind the mirrors, are wired in to the electrical system and no more wiping away steam or trying to peer through a mist, no matter how steamed up the bathroom.


For this reason demista™ is the first choice for builders, developers and home owners both in the UK and abroad. Leading hotel groups and prestige apartment developments now include the pads as the norm in either new build or refurbishment projects. Private home owners when updating their bathrooms are choosing heated mirror pads.


Running costs are minimal and the pads meet all the required standards for safety, require no maintenance and have a proven record for reliability and durability.

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