For over rafter (sarking) thermal insulation of pitched roofs
Rocksilk Pitched Roof Slab is a rigid, water repellent, rock mineral wool slab specifically developed for over rafter (sarking) insulation.
Rocksilk Pitched Roof Slab is for over rafter (sarking) thermal insulation of pitched roofs.
Rocksilk Pitched Roof Slab is made of non-combustible inorganic rock wool, defined as mineral wool in BS 3533: 1981 and is manufactured in accordance with BSI Quality Assurance Standard BS EN ISO 9001:2000.
Rocksilk Pitched Roof Slab is rot proof, does not sustain vermin and will not encourage the growth of fungi, mould or bacteria, and is odourless and non-hygroscopic.
Rocksilk Pitched Roof Slab is free from CFCs, HCFCs and any other material with ozone depletion potential in its manufacture and content and represent no known threat to the environment.
Rocksilk Pitched Roof Slab’s manufacture has a low impact on the environment and is classified as Zero ODP and Zero GWP.