Pronteau Industria 3 IN 1 by Abode Abode, designer and distributor of kitchen taps, sinks, bathroom taps & showering solutions take industrial
Abode appoints Karen Parker as Northern Sales Manager Abode is delighted to welcome Karen Parker as its newly appointed Northern Sales Manager, covering
Product Spotlight – Abode Abode present their brand new eco-conscious Naturalé 3 IN 1 Water Filter Tap For us,
Abode launch Naturalé Water Filter Tap Abode, designer and distributor of kitchen taps and sinks, Pronteau hot water taps, bathroom taps
Abode appoints Sales Managers Abode is delighted to welcome Annette Wensley and Victoria Hatton as its newly appointed Area
Ask the Expert – Abode This month Paul discusses why product testing and certification is so important, and the steps
Graeme Blythe Abode promotion After nearly 6 years working for Abode, Graeme Blythe has now been promoted to National
Who’s Who – Abode Abode offers a complete home solution with a comprehensive range of kitchen taps, steaming hot